Monday, October 22, 2007

Calories news 22/10/2007 23:55

Order Photo Reprints Online (Jackson Hole News)
Fall has brought no end to reports of black bears exploring the valley’s human-populated areas in search of food as they make the final push for calories before hibernating.*http%3A//
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Hardee's breakfast burrito has 920 calories (Lexington Herald-Leader)
The people who brought you the Monster Thickburger and the 1,100-calorie salad are at it again -- this time for breakfast. Hardee's rolled out its new Country Breakfast Burrito last week -- two-egg omelets filled with bacon, sausage, diced ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy, all wrapped inside a flour tortilla. The burrito contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat. Brad Haley, ...*http%3A//
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Shape - Shape's ultimate guide to running: from the right gear to the best races, this step-by-step primer provides everything you need to be a better runner
October 1, 2007 -- Are you a little ambivalent about running? True, it's one of the best ways to blast calories--but it can be hard! There's all that bouncing, pounding, ...
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Warning Signs of Anorexia
October 10, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to stay at even a minimum recommended body weight, resulting in severe ...
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Shape - Guilt-free breakfast treats: no need to eat oversize calorie-packed muffins. When you want something really yummy, try these easy sweets under 300 calories
October 1, 2007 -- DIET STRATEGY Satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing your diet Having breakfast is a key part of a successful weight-loss plan. Studies show it helps ...
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Philadelphia Daily News - Plan to list food data is stalled in Council panel
October 10, 2007 -- After hearing a litany of restaurant-industry complaints, City Council's Public Health Committee yesterday took no action on a bill to require ...
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Want Proof Of What's Healthy? Fat Chance (BrandWeek)
Though Gary Taubes stops short of advocating cream pies or hot fudge, his new book, Good Calories, Bad Calories, is chock full of Sleeperesque moments.*http%3A//
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Chewing gum may help reduce cravings and control appetite (EurekAlert!)
Chewing gum significantly reduced caloric intake by 25 calories and specifically reduced sweet snack intake by 39 calories; salty snacks were decreased by 11 calories.*http%3A//
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920 or so calories at 7 a.m. (Baltimore Sun)
Because I'm a recovering fat guy, breakfast is not exactly a time of joy in my house.*http%3A//,0,495774.column?track=rss
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Shape - Lose 44 pounds a year … at work
October 1, 2007 -- It sounds unbelievable, but a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that if overweight people used an electronic stepping device, like the one shown here, for two hours a
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