Monday, October 22, 2007

Calories news 22/10/2007 13:46

HealthDay - More Fiber, Less Fat Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
October 9, 2007 -- Older women who stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet could cut their odds for deadly ovarian cancer, new research shows. In fact, postmenopausal women who stayed on the regimen for more than eight yea
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920 or so calories at 7 a.m. (Baltimore Sun)
Because I'm a recovering fat guy, breakfast is not exactly a time of joy in my house.*http%3A//,0,495774.column?track=rss
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HealthDay - Study Rates Heart Health of Popular Diet Plans
October 5, 2007 -- Not all diet plans are equally heart-healthy, according to a study ranking eight popular weight-loss programs. Diets that emphasize a variety of fruits ...
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Shape - Guilt-free breakfast treats: no need to eat oversize calorie-packed muffins. When you want something really yummy, try these easy sweets under 300 calories
October 1, 2007 -- DIET STRATEGY Satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing your diet Having breakfast is a key part of a successful weight-loss plan. Studies show it helps ...
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Diet-friendly vegetable lasagna (The Wichita Eagle)
Lasagna is one of those meals that can eat up an entire day's worth of calories if you're not careful. For example, the twice-baked lasagna with meatballs at Romano's Macaroni Grill contains 1,360 calories and 80 grams of fat. But lasagna also can be a healthy dish that helps you reach your daily quota of vegetables. One word of warning: Not all vegetable lasagnas are automatically ...*http%3A//
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Shape - Fall's fabulous bounty: shopping in season is an easy and delicious way to get your daily dose of fruits and veggies. These recipes show you how to pull
October 1, 2007 -- Struggling to squeeze in the five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables you should be eating every day? Nothing will motivate you more than taking ...
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Chewing gum may help reduce cravings and control appetite (EurekAlert!)
Chewing gum significantly reduced caloric intake by 25 calories and specifically reduced sweet snack intake by 39 calories; salty snacks were decreased by 11 calories.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Warning Signs of Anorexia
October 10, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to stay at even a minimum recommended body weight, resulting in severe ...
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Dairy-based dressings are low-fat (The Sentinel)
Dressings can make everything taste better, but often the price paid for delectably savory, rich toppings is unwanted fat and calories.*http%3A//
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Video games and exercise could work out well together. Consider: While video games might entertain you, they generally fail to burn many calories. And while bicycle machines can improve your cardiovascular health, they're monotonous to ride.*http%3A//
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