Saturday, October 20, 2007

Calories news 20/10/2007 22:23

FEELING GREAT: Zumba heats up (Detroit Free Press)
It will be hard to call it exercise. Sure, you'll be moving and sweating and burning calories -- up to 700 in one hour, in fact. But you'll be having fun, too. And that's how Zumba will hook you.*http%3A//
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Warren 35, Stevenson 27 (Daily Herald)
Imagine feasting on a soft, gooey brownie in which every morsel was more delicious than the next -- and then being told that the brownie had absolutely no fat or calories in it.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - More Fiber, Less Fat Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
October 9, 2007 -- Older women who stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet could cut their odds for deadly ovarian cancer, new research shows. In fact, postmenopausal women who stayed on the regimen for more than eight yea
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Body uses most calories for basic needs (South Bend Tribune)
When you run, swim, lift weights or do other exercises, your body, of course, burns calories.*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Daily News - Plan to list food data is stalled in Council panel
October 10, 2007 -- After hearing a litany of restaurant-industry complaints, City Council's Public Health Committee yesterday took no action on a bill to require ...
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Warning Signs of Anorexia
October 10, 2007 -- (HealthDay News) - Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person refuses to stay at even a minimum recommended body weight, resulting in severe ...
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Gluttons can blame overeating on the brain (New Scientist)
Brain scans reveal that activity in two key areas can predict how many calories you will consume after feeling full*http%3A//
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Hardee's menu item has 920 calories (UPI)
Carpinteria, Calif., restaurant chain Hardee's has begun serving a gargantuan breakfast item that contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat.*http%3A//
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Dairy-based dressings are low-fat (The Sentinel)
Dressings can make everything taste better, but often the price paid for delectably savory, rich toppings is unwanted fat and calories.*http%3A//
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Sodium up in school lunch (Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune)
While local school districts manage calories and fat in their lunchroom offerings, sodium use is on the rise.*http%3A//
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