Sunday, September 23, 2007

Calories news 23/09/2007 15:39

uExpress - WHAT'S NEW ON THE GROCERS' SHELVES September 2, 2007
September 2, 2007 -- Sipahh Milk Flavoring Straw. Strawberry, Banana, Cookies and Cream, and Chocolate. $2.99 per box of 10 .1-ounce straws. Also available in four-pack. Bonnie: Instead of adding bottled syrup to mil
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Cellular response to cutting calories enhances longevity: study (AFP via Yahoo! News)
Scientists have known for decades that drastically reducing calories -- but not nutrients -- can prolong the lives of everything from yeast to mice and monkeys, but they didn't know why, until now.*http%3A//
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uExpress - Week of September 2, 2007
September 2, 2007 -- SUNDAY (Family) -- Make family day extra-special with GRILLED LAMB KEBABS WITH PEACHES (see recipe). Serve the lamb with COUSCOUS, ASPARAGUS, a ROMAINE SALAD and MULTIGRAIN BREAD. For dessert,
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HealthDay - Mediterranean Diet May Boost Alzheimer's Survival
September 10, 2007 -- Consuming what's known as a Mediterranean diet -- one loaded with fruits, vegetables, grains and olive oil -- may help Alzheimer's patients live longer, ...
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US: ABA reports progress for fewer calories in schools (Just Drinks)
Calories from beverages shipped to schools has decreased due to the beverage industry’s progress implementing the National School Beverage Guidelines.*http%3A//
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New Clue To Why Eating Fewer Calories Can Help You Live Longer (Medical News Today)
US scientists appear to have discovered a cellular mechanism that explains why eating fewer calories can help humans and other mammals live longer. [click link for full article]*http%3A//
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uExpress - Week of September 9, 2007
September 9, 2007 -- SUNDAY (Family) -- Surprise the family with Grilled Teriyaki Flank Steak. In a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons Mrs. Dash (or another brand) 10-minute ...
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The food we eat (Times-Standard)
It costs 435 fossil fuel calories to fly a 5-calorie strawberry from California to New York. Lately I've been thinking about the food we eat.*http%3A//
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Fab at 40 (The Times of India)
Men will always be boys. Be it their car, house or bank balance, size does matter. At least till they turn 40. Then, all the locker-room talk is about keeping score - like how many minutes, calories and kilometres you clock on the treadmill. Or how many pull-ups you grind out.*http%3A//
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Newsweek - Follow the Eyes
September 3, 2007 -- It's sometimes known as the trigger, the kicker or the launching pad: the part of a package a shopper is looking at when he decides to flip the cereal ...
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