Monday, September 10, 2007

Calories news 10/09/2007

Calories news 10/09/2007
Dieters in today's world seem to have an obsession with counting fat calories. Remember the last time you were in the supermarket? If you are like most diet maniacs you flipped that container of dressing around and examined the number . ...

New to counting calories
... WW and I only lost 15 pounds in 6 months (but part of that is my fault cause I didnt do what I was supposed to most of the time). I got tired of having to count points and all the other stuff. So I am going to try to count calories. ...

SINNER Chargrilled BBQ Doritos 35g - 170 calories. SAINT Cheesy 3Ds Doritos 20g - 89 calories. SAVING:81 calories per pack. If one pack is eaten per day, it's a weekly saving of 567 calories.

Heart disease associated with diet sodas: study (The Daily Free Press)
Calorie-free diet soda may seem like a healthy option compared to sugar-laden, high-calories beverages, but a Boston University professor and researchers in Framingham have reported both diet and regular soft drinks may increase risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Total Calories
Today I had 386 calories and I don't even feel hungry! I even drank 3 bottles of water. I didn't go to the gym, but I did walk around a lot, and up and down four flights of stairs 6 times with my books on my back - so I guess that ...

burn fat carbohydrates carbohydrates