Sunday, September 16, 2007

Calories news 16/09/2007

Calculating daily calorie need (The Record)
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Please reprint the method to calculate the number of calories needed to maintain current weight. -- G.S. ANSWER: There are a million ways to calculate maintenance calorie requirements, but the discrepancies among them also number in the millions. I'll give you two as examples.

Calories news 16/09/2007
The trainer is a big believer in counting calories for weight loss. Scientifically, counting calories is a very effective means to lose extra pounds. Calories in versus calories out. Consume more calories than you expend, . ...

Publications on Fitness and Health Head to Web (New York Times)
In an attempt to court readers and advertising dollars, Hearst Magazines is purchasing Real Age Inc., a consumer health Web site.

Calories news 16/09/2007
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who opt for a meal at a "healthy" restaurant often consume more calories than they would dining at fast food joints that make no health claims, a new study shows. 2 Vote(s) ... Calories news 16/09/2007 ...

VFTT transcript: Neville Isdell of Coca Cola ( via Yahoo! News)
Chrystia Freeland, Financial Times US managing editor, interviewed Neville Isdell of Coca Cola. In this segment discussing his board, acquisitions and corporate social responsibility. This is a transcript of the interview, which you may watch here.

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