Saturday, September 15, 2007

Calories news 15/09/2007

In The Kitchen: Near Death By Chocolate Cake (KLTV 7 Tyler)
  This is a lighter verion of the popular death-by-chocolate dessert. 206 calories and 8 grams of fat per serving.

Calories news 15/09/2007
Each one of these snacks is probably 250 to 350 calories. Now, if you replace the snacks with healthier snacks of around 100 calories youll be able to lose weight even if you dont not change any of the other things that you eat! ...

“Banking Calories”: Eat Less Now To Pig Out Later?
What Ive just described is commonly known as “banking calories,” which is analogous to saving calories like money because you’re going to consume more later, and its a very common practice among dieters. If youre really serious about ...

Counting Calories When Eating Out (KFSN-TV Fresno)
A California lawmaker wants to require chain restaurants in the state to tell customers how many calories, fat grams, and carbohydrates are in their food.

15 Ways to Cut 50 Calories or More
Shaving calories here and there is easier than you think. All it takes are a few no-sweat efforts like the ones that follow. Pick two a day and you’ll cut 100 calories. Burn 100 more calories a day (a 15- to 20-minute walk will do the ...

burn fat carbohydrates carbohydrates