Monday, September 17, 2007

Calories news 17/09/2007

'National Sit Down for Dinner Together Week' (FOX 28 South Bend)
You can cut calories, bond with your family and make a new recipe, all by sitting down at the dinner table.

Must menus in California count calories, carbs, fats? (The Christian Science Monitor)
A bill is on the governor's desk, and 4 of 5 state residents back it. But restaurant chains say mandatory measures are lawsuits waiting to happen.

Calories news 17/09/2007
No water all day… blah… finally figured it out, a few thousand calories later. Evaluation:. I’m proud that: I tried to resist… and ended up eating better things than i would have had I just eaten what I first had the impulse to eat. ...

Combined strength and cardio workouts (ABC 7 Chicago)
Workouts combining strength and cardio in one can speed up the metabolism and burn calories all day long. They can provide a powerful fat-burning, muscle building process that dramatically increases the calories you lose, long after the workout is done

Calories news 17/09/2007
Not many people know this but if you start to eat less then your body compensates by using fewer calories. Your metabolism slows down to reduce the number of calories that you burn in a day. If you’ve been wondering why you can’t lose . ...

burn fat carbohydrates carbohydrates